Our network extends through the construction industry. We can get you the solutions to your problems quickly and accurately, saving you time and money.
FORSMITH has been engaged in the evaluation, design, and testing of roofing and complete building envelope systems. Our experience encompasses the institutional, commercial, industrial and government building sectors. FORSMITH offers a full range of specialized services that provide innovative and affordable solutions to your roofing and building envelope performance problems.
FORSMITH has been engaged in the evaluation, design, and testing of roofing and building envelope systems. Our work encompasses the institutional, commercial, industrial, and government building sectors. We offer a full range of specialized services that provide innovative and affordable solutions to your roofing and building envelope performance problems.
Our services include:
Project Management and Contract Administration
Roof, Cladding, and Glazing Condition Surveys
Roof and Wall Leak Investigations
Electronic Leak Detection
Thermographic Energy Loss Investigations
Preventative Maintence Programs
Building Audits
Building Code Consulting
Quality Assurance Inspection & Testing
Structural Wind Load Evaluations and Wind Uplift Field Testing
Life Cycle Costing & Life Expectancy Analysis
Shop Drawing Detailing & Specification Preparation
Industry Standard Field Performance Testing (ASTM, AAMA, & CSA)
Feasibility Studies & Condition Reports

FORSMITH has the professional expertise to tackle any engineering or code compliance issue associated with investigating and assessing building performance. This is of particular use in the conception of implementation of remedial work for deteriorated building envelope and structural systems.
Where long term water penetration of the building envelope has been an ongoing issue, it is common to find fungi related issues. Fungi can be classifed as yeast, mushrooms, or filamentous fungi (mould). Most moulds consist of filamentous cells called hyphae, and collectively form mycelium. Moulds reproduce by the means of spores and a well-established mould growth is reffered to as a colonization.
Radon is quickly becoming a concern of Health Canada. It is a known carcinogen for lung cancer and is a naturally occurring noble gas that is radioactive, colorless, odorless, and tasteless and is produced by the decomposition of Uranium. Radon gas seeps upwards through the ground and enters buildings and homes through cracks or holes in the foundation. FORSMITH has the capabilities to test your home for Radon, to ensure levels meet Health Canada's limit (200Bq/m3) for occupant safety.
Our services include:
Structural Evaluations, Investigations, and Condition Surveys
Building Code Compliance Assessments
Design and Assessment of Life Safety and Fire Safety Systems
Roof Anchor and Lifting Device Inspections
Structural Design for Remedial Construciton
Load Testing and Monitoring
Quality Assurance and Testing
Plans and Specifications for New Construction and Retrofit
Indoor Environmental Air Assessment and Mould Spore Testing
Mould Remediation and Consulting per Industry Standard (ANSI S520)
Radon Testing, Assessment, and Remedial Design
The experts at FORSMITH operate under the guidance and direction of Professional Engineers to serve the jurisprudential system. When a building product or system fails, the result can be severe financial loss or personal injuries. Our experts are called upon to investigate and determine the causation or sequence of events that ultimately lead to failure. Our experts have unique and diverse backgrounds, enabling them to approach complicated problems from various perspectives to ensure thorough and accurate causation to material, product, or building system failures. This requires an extensive understanding of construction practices, building systems, and application of building codes to investigate, report, and provide expert testimony in the resolution of these failures.
Our services include:
Building Code Compliance Assessments
Building Commissioning Reviews
Building Life Safety Assessments
Quality Assurance Field Review
Design of Life Safety and Fire Safety Remedial Measures
Roof Anchor and Lifting Device Inspections
Plans and Specifications
Forensic Engineering

FORSMITH has expanded our capabilities to include Low Altitutde Roof Inspection, Survey, and Quality Evaluation: LoRISQE. Using the best available technology, we capture high resolution digital and radiometric thermal infrared images and video.
Infrared Thermography (IR Scan) is the science of using electronical optical devices to detect and measure thermal radiation and correlating it to temperature variations. When insulation gets wet, it loses R-Value. Because wet insulation absorbs and stores heat more readily during the daytime than dry insulation, IR scans are most effective when completed at night as the IR optical device can detect the subsurface temperature differences.
Our services include:
Hand-held Infrared Thermography
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) Investigations
Thermal Bridging, Moisture Damage, & Air Leakage Detection
Subsurface Anomalies & Premature Degradation Identification of Asphalt
Assessment of Baseline Performance in New Construction
Thermal Scans of Roofing Systems for Green Roof Installation
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